In their trying hour,
Have withstood the tempter's blast
By God's grace and power.
When alone and lost they felt,
Strangled by a sinful belt,
When by evil torn and rent,
God's encourgement was sent.
Noah's family was alone
In their ark of wood.
Buffeted by tempest's moan,
rising on a flood.
While in number only eight,
Trusted they, despite their state,
And God ebbed the mighty flow
And in comofort stretched His bow.
Gideon was full of fear,
Trembled he, with dread
As the battle time drew near,
Set not far ahead.
Yet in humble trusting he
Asked God for a sign to see,
And God sent Him special peace
And in comfort dried his fleece.
Moses didn't want to go
Back to Egypt's land.
By himself great wonders show,
All alone to stand.
Yet by faith he took the leap
Trusting God His word to keep,
And God honored from above
And through signs He proved His love.
So may we, in these dark days
Trust what God has said.
And despite the sinful haze,
glimpse the light ahead.
Every scripture student knows,
History is about to close.
Yet, the signs we needn't fear:
They bring hope that God is near.