Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Good Gifts

"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matt 7:9-11
Traditionally, marriage is thought to be the final slice in the chord that once tied a kid to his or her parents. Mom and Dad are at last free from the dutiful bonds of child rearing, and are free to think: "They're off on their own now. No more need of shelter, discipline, or providence from out hands!" Thankfully, neither Paul's nor my parents are subscribers to this viewpoint. In fact, their generosity seems to have veritably exploded. Perhaps it's because they enjoy having a new family member to shower love upon. Perhaps it's because they're aware of what dreadful pinch pennies we both are. But whatever the case, Paul and I have found our little home flooded with edible gifts. Whenever we come within close proximity of either set of parents, it's impossible to escape the watermelons, peaches, bread, pretzels, peanut butter, rice, granola, lentils, soy milk, and flax seeds that come flying in our direction. I couldn't help but marvel when I read the verse quoted above. If I'm so impressed at my parents' unsolicited generosity, how much more should I be impressed with God's! He's given me an ideal life partner, wonderful siblings and parents, an education, food to eat, a house to live in, a natural world to enjoy, and on and on and on. If He's given me all of these things, for which I haven't asked, how much more will He provide for me when I actually do ask? "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6,7


Chopsticks on Oboe said...

Amen Petra! I was just commenting on the cafe food here and got a flood of microwave Indian packets sent in a large box from our generous matriarch and patriarch! Wonderful! Hope you can come down here sometime and taste my sprouts!

Threads Everywhere said...

You are most welcome for the food. It is easy to be generous, because we receive innumerable blessings from our Heavenly Father. I agree that we need to ASK more frequently for every thing that we need or desire. The most awesome thing is that He knows what we need even more than we do, and He can provide that if we ask Him to do what He thinks is best! I am amazed at God's graciousness and generosity!

Paul said...

what a wonderful wife...

great parents too...

Jan Robert (Robby) Heiberg said...

Great point Petra. It's very true that we need to ask God more, as well as thanking Him when He provides. I think we get to comfortable at times, and forget that it's because of God we get the priveledge to live so comfortable.

Parents are great -I totally agree!

Petraglyph said...

Yes, I've been trying to ask God for more good things, and He hasn't failed me yet! Tee, I would love to come taste your sprouts. I'd like to taste your Indian too, in fact. :-)

the bearded one said...

ok, so i don't actually have a blog on here, but you can email me if you'd like. you can reach me at

The View from Great Island said...

the simple gifts are but a feeble attempt to express our wonder and joy that God has answered the deepest longings of our hearts, which began when Paul was only 5lbs 13 oz within our arms, that he would find the you we didn't know (but God did)and experience the incomparable joy of loving and being loved without reserve. And isn't that why God gives gifts to us that we might be drawn into the joy of His everlasting unreserved love for us? We love you both!

The View from Great Island said...

the simple gifts are but a feeble attempt to express our wonder and joy that God has answered the deepest longings of our hearts, which began when Paul was only 5lbs 13 oz within our arms, that he would find the you we didn't know (but God did)and experience the incomparable joy of loving and being loved without reserve. And isn't that why God gives gifts to us that we might be drawn into the joy of His everlasting unreserved love for us? We love you both!

the bearded one said...

so, i didn't have a blog, but i felt compelled to start one.

Petraglyph said...

Tim and Lyn - Thanks so much for your touching comment. I feel so privileged to be your new daughter and Paul's wife. Praise the Lord for his blessings!
Michael: Awesome! I'll go check out your blog immediately...